History - year 11 bridging tasks

Y11 History Bridging Tasks

This task list is divided into the 3 examined modules in OCR A Level History (Y107 Later Tudors 1547-1603, Y215 Italian Unification 1789-1896, Y319 Civil Rights in the USA 1865-1992) For each module, complete the mini tasks to get an idea of what you will be studying next year.

Y107 Later Tudors 1547-1603 (25%)

1. Task 1: Make a timeline of Elizabeth I’s life. Here is a 4 part documentary series by David Starkey about Elizabeth, it goes through her whole life and covers a large amount of the knowledge students require for the second half of Tudors.





2. Task 2: Go through some of the knowledge bites and answer the quiz questions on the mini topics.

Following the link below go to ‘A LEVEL’ > ‘History’ > ‘OCR England Later Tudors 1547-1603’.


For example: http://resources.hoddereducation.co.uk/files/he/History/MRN_A_level/OCR_England_later_Tudors/index.html#stand_alone=true&userid=36763&mode=PREVIEW&test_data_url=./essential-data/UserContents/xmlData/23829.js&ISBN=12313-123-1233&contentBaseUrl=./essential-data

3. Task 3: Listen to the Podcast about how Catholics were treated in Elizabethan England (1558-1603) and make notes.


Practice Exam Questions

· Assess the causes of Elizabeth’s financial problems. 1558-1603 (20 marks)

· To what extent was Elizabeth’s religious policy successful? (20 marks)

· Using these four sources (below) in their historical context, assess how far they support the view that Mary’s return to Catholic practices was unsuccessful. (30 marks)

Source 1: At the start of her reign, Mary issued a cautious proclamation about her religious practices.

Her majesty will observe the Catholic religion she has professed all her life, and desires that all her subjects would quietly follow suit. However, she will not compel any to this until further decisions are made. She commands her subjects to live together in Christian charity, avoiding the new and devilish terms of papist and heretic, and trying to live peaceful Christian lives. Any many who stirs up the people to disorder will be severely punished. Printers have published books and ballads written in English which discus controversial religious teaching. Let nobody do so in future without the Queen’s express permission. Queen Mary I, proclamation, August 1553

Source 2: A Yorkshire priest records the reactions of the clergy to the restoration of Roman Catholic services at the start of Mary I’s reign.

In August, Queen Mary issued a proclamation licensing priests to say mass in Latin after the ancient custom used in her father’s day. Then the holy church began to rejoice, singing praise to God with heart and tongue. But many heretics did not rejoice at all. It was a joy to hear and see those sinful priests who had lived their lives immorally with their whores look so dismayed. There were commanded to forsake their mistresses and do open penance according to the canon law, which then took effect.

Source 3: Concerns about ownership of former monastic lands are made clear in a letter from the Imperial Ambassador to Charles V in August 1554.

We decided that we should write to your Majesty that Cardinal Pole had better be persuade to be patient for a little longer, until we see how matters are going to turn out here. Above all, before coming to England, he must clear up this business of the position of the holders

of Church property. The present possessors must be reassured that they will not have to hand back these lands, otherwise we shall never achieve the desired result. Unless he takes this advice he will run great risks himself and make the whole religious question more difficult.

Letter from the Imperial Ambassador to Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, August 1554

Source 4: The Imperial Ambassador, writing to Philip of Spain soon after Mary began burning Protestants in February 1550

The people of London are murmuring about the cruel enforcement of the recent Act of Parliament against heresy which has now begun, as shown publicly when a certain Rogers was burnt yesterday. Some of the onlookers wept. Others prayed to God to give them strength, persistence, and patience to bear the pain and not to convert back to Catholicism. Others gathered the ashes and bones and wrapped them up in paper to preserve them. Yet others threatened the bishops. The haste with which the bishops have proceeded in this matter may well cause a revolt. If the people got the upper hand, not only would the cause of religion be again menaced, but the persons of your Majesty and the Queen might be in peril.

Y215 Italian Unification 1789-1896 (15%)

1. Task 1: Make a mini timeline and overview of the Unification of Italy using the video below.


2. Task 2: Use the article to make a 20 question quiz about Italian Unification. https://schoolhistory.co.uk/notes/italian-unification/

3. Use the BBC article to make a profile about Giuseppe Garibaldi, including a timeline of his life. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-20987487

Practice Exam Questions

· Which of the following was the more important in the cause of the 1848 revolutions:

i) Charles Albert of Piedmont

ii) Revolutionary leaders

Explain your answer with reference to both i and ii (10 marks)

· ‘The man who contributed most to the creation of a unified Italy was Giuseppe Garibaldi.’ How far do you agree? (20 marks)

Y319 Civil Rights in the USA 1865-1992 (40%)

1. Task 1: Listen to and make notes on the History of the USA for some good background knowledge https://www.historyextra.com/period/modern/a-history-of-the-united-states/

2. Task 2: Go through the National Archives collection of American Civil Rights documents. Pick 5, read/ listen to the document and then note down your thoughts about it. If there is a document on something you don’t know about, for example the LA Watt’s Riots, research it and consider how the source fits in with what you’ve found out.


3. Task 3: Go through and listen to some of the ‘Presidential’ podcast episodes. Make a profile page for the President that you listen to the podcast on. To keep it relevant to the course you need to know about the Presidents from Abraham Lincoln to George W. Bush.


4. Task 4: Assessing change and continuity in American Civil Rights is assessed by dividing the scheme of work into 4 groups. Use the mini tasks to get an overview of each group in society. For each group we look at how the government, Supreme Court, organisations and individuals have influenced their Civil Rights from 1865-1992.

Native Americans:

· Use the article to make notes on how the Native Americans were both helped and hindered by the American Federal Government https://www.historytoday.com/archive/native-americans-and-federal-government

African Americans:

· There is a wealth of resources about African Americans struggle for political freedom in America. A good place to start is the Netflix Documentary 13th’, which explores the history of racial inequality in the US. (Search for it on Netflix).

· A turning point for African Americans was the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Use the video to make some notes on why it’s so significant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVMH5u6bPGA

· The Black Power Movement was influential in shaping American attitudes to African American Civil Rights. Use the link to make notes on the key leaders and movement using the words and embedded videos. https://nmaahc.si.edu/blog-post/foundations-black-power

Trade Unionists & Labourers:

· Use the article to make a timeline of Trade Unions in America https://whorulesamerica.ucsc.edu/power/history_of_labor_unions.html

· Research the Haymarket Affair and answer the questions using the information on the attached sheet. https://www.gilderlehrman.org/sites/default/files/inline-pdfs/05640_FPS.pdf


· Use the link to make a timeline of how women’s rights have progressed in the US. https://www.history.com/topics/womens-history/womens-history-us-timeline

· Make notes on women’s struggle for suffrage using the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FCeLQLRRN8

Practice Exam Questions

· To what extent did the position of women improve in the period from 1865 to 1992? (25 marks)

· ‘The Second World War was the most important turning point in the development of African American Civil Rights.’ How far do you agree with this view of the period from 1865 to 1992? (25 marks)

· ‘The policies of the Federal government failed to support the civil rights of Native Americans.’ To what extent do you agree with this view of the period from 1865 to 1992? (25 marks)

· Assess the view that the formation of the American Federation of Labour was the most significant development concerning trade unions and labour rights between 1865 and 1992. (25 marks)